As the Mathematics Group, our aim is to train individuals that read and use the language of mathematics correctly, have mathematical skills such as reasoning, connection, classification, modeling, generalization, inferencing, and proving, transfer mathematical knowledge to different disciplines, link it with life using technology, and are independently disciplined and enthusiastic about studying.
In addition to these, 4-year mathematics curriculum from the 9th to 12th grade aims to achieve a university preparation journey that will ensure our students maximize their current potential and are admitted to the best universities where they can realize their career goals by way of enabling the students to learn and know by heart mathematical concepts and principles.
While general and specific learning goals of the MEB curriculum form the basis of our work, the curriculum is enriched with the inclusion of different learning outcomes. The language of instruction is English. Besides ensuring complete learning of subject matters by students, the group designs course contents in a way to include both group and individual works that will support students’ development as 21st-century individuals and actively employ technology. Moreover, performance homework with content based on daily life is also given to improve our students’ research and questioning skills. In addition to three written exams at the end of each semester aiming to assess outcomes, the process is evaluated through quizzes, unit tests, research homework, and group and individual presentations.
Organized to support the emergence of creativity in secondary school students in the field of mathematics, encourage them to do scientific research, and enable students to communicate and share with each other in this field, the “Salih Zeki Mathematics Research Projects Competition” is one of the most important activities of the mathematics group and our school.
A group of 11th grade students, who are selected through an exam held in February every year and according to their mathematics course grades, attend the University Preparatory Summer Camp at Nesin Mathematics Village.
In order to reinforce the self-confidence of our students and increase their visibility on and awareness of various platforms, we also support their participation in competitions and events such as the TÜBİTAK research projects competition, Turkish Intelligence Foundation Championship, different national and international mathematics talks and activities broadcast via digital platforms, and mathematics festivals organized by universities.
With the skill workshop called “Introduction to Game Theory with Mathematical Games” conducted by the teachers of our group, it is aimed to ensure that our students, who see mathematics beyond just numbers and formulas, value the process rather than the result, and do not forgo games that make you think while entertaining, will eventually move to the idea of game theory by sometimes examining and analyzing the life story of a mathematician who made history and oftentimes playing different intelligence games and developing strategies for these. With the “Preparation for National Projects” skill workshop, on the other hand, we aim to motivate our students to do scientific research and make them aware of the processes that enhance their creativity and expand their perspectives as a result of dealing with a problem.