Milestones In The History Of Darüşşafaka

Founders of Darüşşafaka


The association named “Cemiyet-i Tedrisiye-i İslamiye” was founded by Yusuf Ziya Pasha, Ghazi Ahmet Muhtar Pasha, Tevfik Pasha of Vidin, Ahmet Esat Pasha of Chios, and Ali Naki Effendi upon Sultan Abdülaziz Khan’s edict dated 30 March 1863. It aimed to support the education and training of orphans and under-privileged children. Having many members from among the Ottoman pashas and intellectuals, the Association was the first example of a civil organization in the field of education in Turkey’s history.


The initial aim was to provide education to apprentices working in the Grand Bazaar and its surroundings. Classes started after the old Valide School in Beyazıt was renovated. The school had only one classroom.

All lesson materials were provided by the Daruşşafaka Society to those who were attending the classes, and teachers were working as volunteers. Considered the first public school in Turkey, this “apprentice school” continued giving education to its students until 1873.

School of Valide


The Society started publishing a monthly magazine called Mebahis-i İlmiye (Scientific Matters) in 1867. Featuring articles mainly relating to positive sciences, the magazine was published for a few years and was followed by a broad range of readers, including students from Harbiye Mektebi, a military school providing the most progressive education of the time.

Using the textbooks and study aids prepared specifically for Darüşşafaka students later turned out to be a common practice among other schools.


The Society initiated the construction of the school building designed by the Italian architect Barironi and planned by Dolmabahçe Palace’s chief architect Ohannes Kalfa on the land in İstanbul’s Fatih district purchased upon the donation by Sultan Abdülaziz Khan. The school building was the first of its kind, being such a large education complex and utilizing modern facilities that would enable coeducation under the same roof. (No “headmistress” was appointed until 1965, and female students were not accepted until 1971.)


According to the 26 March 172 regulations of the Society, it is stated that ‘’The Society will  be grounded on the devotion to the nation and nation efforts, and its members will consist of people, who will work for these devotions.’’

The same regulation envisaged that, the building they were constructing would, ‘’accept children younger than 9-10 years of age, the community would cover every expense of the students, form an administration and institution for the education, and appoint a director.’’ (Nazıma Antel, who served from 1965-73, could not become the director of the school, as the school did not accept female students until 1971.)


Darüşşafakat’ül İslamiye was established on 25 June 1873 as a no-fee boarding school with special status and started its first academic term on 28 June with its 54 students along with a first lecture given by Captain Mustafa Effendi. The curriculum comprised the programs of primary, secondary, and high schools and was of higher quality than the education implemented in schools under the auspices of the Ministry of Education. The syllabi of the last 2 years of the 8-year school were prepared in accordance with the Turkish university education program. Darüşşafaka graduates were therefore deemed as college graduates until 1894. Additionally, the last year was called “Telegraphy School”, and the school was known as a “telegraphy school” between the years 1873 and 1894.

1877 - 1878

Known as “the ’93 War”, the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 during the time of the Ottoman Empire had an impact on education at Darüşşafaka. Thousands of people from the occupied territories migrated to Istanbul. More than a thousand male and female children were quartered in the Darüşşafaka building by the Society. In time, some of them were sent to be sheltered in other places whereas male orphans were enrolled at Darüşşafaka. Thereafter, the school functioned as before. However, some classes were canceled for about six months (as the instructors, who were mostly military officers, had left for the war).


Upon the decision of the Council of Ministers to transform Mekteb-i Mülkiye (School of Political Sciences) into a university, a report proposing the transfer of the Darüşşafaka building to this new university was presented to Abdülhamit II. The Sultan, however, rejected the idea through the edict sent to the government stating that Darüşşafaka was “established to provide education to Muslim orphans with the help of the benefactors, and over 200 needy children were studying at the school”.


Darüşşafaka graduated its first students. Being the first graduates of the School, eight persons were employed by the Ministry of Post and Telegram as a result of the efforts by Minister İzzet Effendi, a member of the Society. By then, 125 students were studying at Darüşşafaka.


Until this date, there had been no high schools in the country other than Darüşşafaka, Galatasaray, and the military high schools. Many elite and prominent figures of the time served as voluntary instructors at Darüşşafaka during the 1880s and up until the mid-1990s. Among them were national poet Namık Kemal, state chronicler Abdurrahman Şeref Beg, Manyasizade Mustafa Refik Beg, Babanzade Naim Beg, composer Zekai Effendi, Ahmet Mithat Effendi, painter Agah Effendi, Selim Sırrı Tarcan, poet Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, historian Yusuf Akçura, Tahir Olgun, and painter Hoca Ali Rıza. Additionally, lots of important artists, scientists, and scholars such as mathematicians Salih Zeki and Mehmet İzzet, financier Hasan Ferit, litterateurs Ahmet Rasim and İsmail Safa, historian Osman Nuri Ergin, educator Ali Kami Akyüz, who served as the headmaster of the school from 1920 to 1940, and painter Mahmut Cûda were Darüşşafaka alumni; most of them served as instructors at Darüşşafaka for many years. The presentation of paintings by Darüşşafaka graduates, along with their names, to the Sultan became a tradition.


Darüşşafaka stood up with the financial help of society. Visiting the school in 1884, being very content, Sadrazam Küçük Said Paşa and his venture, some of the missing things for Darüşşafaka were covered by the government’s own treasure. Abdulhamid the second, that year received six graduates, who gave their handmade paintings to the Sultan, in order to thank him and show their gratitude. After this, it has become a tradition that graduates, present their names and paintings to the Sultan.


The members of the Society were not able to get together since holding meetings of any kind was banned. Meetings were canceled. The School was experiencing financial difficulties. Sultan Abdülhamit II, therefore, took Darüşşafaka under his protection. The state also initiated the practice for each company, which had been granted privileges by the Ottoman Empire, of giving financial aid to Darüşşafaka, thereby remedying the financial distress.


Due to a resistance movement that arose among students, the School was seized by the state, and eventually, the administrative authority was given to the Ministry of Education. Consequently, it put an end to the practice of intellectuals volunteering as instructors. Cemiyet-i Tedrisiye-i İslamiye disbanded. Turned into a public school, Darüşşafaka deviated from its original purpose. Non-orphans as well as some children of Turkiye’s notable families were accepted to the school. It continued as such until the second constitutional period in 1908.


With the start of the second constitutional era, former members of the Society and Darüşşafaka graduates came together. They formed an alumni association, Darüşşafaka Mezunin Cemiyeti, and decided to work to sustain the School. In 1909, the members of Cemiyet-i Tedrisiye-i İslamiye convened under the chairmanship of the Grand Vizier, who was the titular chair, by also inviting the famous politicians of the time. Being back on track, the Society firstly applied to the Ministry of Education to resume administration of the school. The return of administrative authority occurred within the same year.

1914 - 1923

Darüşşafaka had a rough time during the period of World War I and the following Turkish War of Independence; however, the very same period also signifies very active, as well as meaningful years for the School for many reasons:

The expenses of the School were partially covered by the government from 1914 to 1916. Although financial difficulties increased towards the end of the war, the School persevered with the help of donations. In the meantime, the period of study was decided to be increased from eight to ten years, and courses on the teaching profession in the last two years of school were added to the curriculum, Darüşşafaka was thus identified as a teaching college. In 1919, the period of study was reduced back to eight years. 

  • The Society admitted women as members for the first time.
  • Darüşşafaka Sports Club was established (1914). 
  • The number of members of the Society, which was only 150 at the time of the reestablishment in 1909, increased to 700 in 1916, and to 1,400 in 1917. 
  • Darüşşafaka admitted no new students in 1919 and 1920. As a result, the number of students dropped to 200. 
  • Student admission through an entrance exam was reinstated in the 1921-1922 academic year.
Mrs. Zübeyde, the mother of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, stood by Darüşşafaka's students with her kind donation, during the roughest days of Turkish history.


Zübeyde Hanım, the mother of the great leader Atatürk, supported the education of Darüşşafaka students by donating 20,000 kurush on 28 November 1921. Zübeyde Hanım, who chose Darüşşafaka to give donations  to during the days of the War of Independence, was described, in the certificate issued for her donation, as the “Mother of His Highness Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the Grand National Assembly President for the Ankara Government and the Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish Revolutionaries for Anatolia”. Having always been a strict follower of what Zübeyde Hanım’s donation required, the Darüşşafaka Society organized Qur’an and Mawlid recitations, along with after-recitation prayers, every year on the day coinciding with the Night of Qadr for the beloved souls of its deceased donors including, in particular, Zübeyde Hanım, as well as the great leader Atatürk and his fellow fighters, Darüşşafaka founders, those who served for the Society, and all of our soldiers who lost their lives fighting for the nation.

The tradition of providing Darüşşafaka students the opportunity to eat seasonal fruits at any time is also an invaluable legacy of Zübeyde Hanım. The school honors this legacy by always keeping the fruit baskets placed in the school corridors full and available to all of the students. To train primary school teachers, a separate “teachers class”, equivalent to the level of the senior class of the teaching colleges, was opened. The first group graduated in 1929. However, the class was closed in 1930, upon the request of the Ministry.


After the Proclamation of the Republic, releasing the Tevhid-i Tedrisat Laws (Educational Unity)  in 1924, they planned on uniting education, secularizing, and bringing nationality up forwards in history and religion. The Board of Management of the Society decided to make extensive changes in the educational program. Darüşşafa became a ‘’Complete Circuit High School,’’ in positions of private high school, they started using the program of state schools, for middle and high schoolers and getting the name ‘’Darüşşafaka High School.’’ These regulations were approved by the Board of Education and the graduates were admitted to schools like Istanbul University and other colleges without an exam.


In order to raise elementary school teachers, equal to the ‘’Teacher Program,’’ fourth grade, they have opened a ‘’teacher class.’’ Teacher class gave its first graduates in 1929. By the request of the Ministry of Education, these programs were closed in 1930.


By then, Darüşşafaka graduates had mostly chosen to study topics related to natural sciences at the university. The School had, therefore, only the natural sciences class. The literature class was opened in 1931.


The Society changed its name to “Turkish Teaching Institution”. In 1939, 83 children, who went through the Erzincan earthquake and who fulfilled the conditions of student admission to Darüşşafaka, were enrolled at the School. Türkiye İş Bankası (İşbank) undertook to pay to the Society all educational expenses of those children. Embracing the “Erzincan Orphans” had aroused the public’s respect in those days and resonated with the Turkish community.


In parallel with state high schools, Darüşşafaka students had the right to repeat a year. However, the Society adopted a new decision to cancel this practice in order to make sure that students were more qualified and aware of how much money and time were invested in their education. As of 1940, students that fail any class are expelled from the school.

Recep Peker, Hasan Saka (also a member of the Society), and Şemseddin Günaltay, who were prime ministers holding office during the 40s, were closely interested in Darüşşafaka; they focused mainly on the admission of female students to the School, and their governments supported Darüşşafaka.


Darüşşafaka started providing English courses in addition to French.


A student dormitory in Fatih was opened for Darüşşafaka graduates studying at the university. The name “Darüşşafaka Society” was adopted with a charter amendment.


The Society, with the change of regulations, changed ‘’Darüşşafaka Society.’’


Upon the death of poet and writer Sait Faik Abasıyanık, his mother, Makbule Abasıyanık, donated the copyright of his books and some of his assets to Darüşşafaka as per his wish. In 1955, she also initiated the “Sait Faik Story Award” to be given each year on the anniversary of his death (11 May) to the favorite storybook of the previous year. The Award, given in cooperation between Darüşşafaka and Yapı Kredi Publishing House from 2003 to 2011, is presented in cooperation with İşbank as of 2012. In 1964, Darüşşafaka transformed Sait Faik’s home in Burgazada into a museum open to the public.


The 1955/56 academic year was a turning point for Darüşşafaka High School. Following a new arrangement, the School obtained a college status offering education in English. The School introduced a two-year prep class, thereby increasing the period of study to eight years. Natural sciences and mathematics courses started to be given in English.


Darüşşafaka started to hold the entrance exam in Ankara, İzmir, and Adana besides İstanbul.


Investment policies were radically modified in order to secure Darüşşafaka’s future and possess more solid and sustainable sources of income. A shopping mall and entertainment center called “Darüşşafaka Complex” in Halaskargazi Street in the Şişli district of İstanbul was constructed in line with this purpose and was put into service by Prime Minister Adnan Menderes.


The School began admitting financially disadvantaged students whose fathers were alive, too. However, this practice was halted in 1976.


In 1969, the Board of Directors decided on the construction of a building for a “Girls College” and to move to co-ed education. Facilities, designed by Professor Ordinarius Master Architect Emin Onat, were brought into service in the 1971/72 academic year, and thus female students, too, started receiving education at Darüşşafaka.


President Cevdet Sunay cut the ribbon on the new five-story school building renovated with the addition of a conference hall, sports hall, modern kitchen, dining hall, laboratories, and lodgings.


The children of the soldiers, who died for their country during the Cyprus Liberty Movement, were accepted without an exam.


Darüşşafaka graduated their first female students.


Darüşşafaka Society was excused from non-profit charges, duties and taxes according to law number 3685 on December 5, 1990.


It was decided the School would move out of the facilities in Fatih and the Society would construct “residences” for the donors to ensure that they would spend their older ages in a safe and healthy environment. Part of the treasury’s land in Maslak Balabandere, which had been allocated to the Ministry of National Defense and was about to be transferred to Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, was assigned to the Society thanks to the close interest of Minister of National Defense Zeki Yavuztürk and the support of the then President Kenan Evren. A competition was organized to decide on the architectural project, and a jury was formed. The project by Master Architect Dr. Fatih Gorbon came first in the competition. Thereafter, the construction of the Maslak Campus began. Darüşşafaka’s 120-year-old building was sold to Ziraat Bank.


Darüşşafaka Educational Institutions, relocated to their new campus, in Maslak. The original campus in Fatih, of 120 years, was emptied and sold to Ziraat Bank.


As of the mid-1980s, the success rate of Darüşşafaka High School graduates in the university entrance exam tended to fall.

As part of the project titled “Improvement of the Level of Education at Darüşşafaka”, a panel was organized in 1992, and research was conducted in 1994 to determine the reasons for failure with a results report prepared by the school’s previous headmasters/headmistresses Prof. Bozkurt Güvenç, Prof. Barlas Tolan, and Assoc. Prof. Pervin Olgun. This research report was brought up for discussion in a forum called “Darüşşafaka Towards the 21st Century” in January 1995.

Many issues were addressed as to the future of the School, and some suggestions were as follows: reviving the weakened Darüşşafaka spirit, accepting students from a wider variety of backgrounds, strengthening the teaching staff, assigning graduates some duties within the School, establishing a parent-teacher association, providing more effective counseling service to students for their choices of university and profession, and maintaining a closer relationship between the Society and the students.

In 1995, Darüşşafaka was identified as a high school that provides education in foreign languages (Anadolu Lisesi).


Darüşşafaka Yakacık Residence started operating as the very first example of the “residences” project that was developed as a new model of donation and financing that was based on creating a fresh donation flow for Darüşşafaka and providing a peaceful and comfortable life to people with abundant financial means at their older ages. The sports complex in Maslak was completed and opened the same year.


The book “The History of Darüşşafaka, 1863-1994” was published following detailed research in cooperation with the Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey.


41 survivors of the 17 August earthquake were accepted to the School with no examination. Likewise, the School did not administer an exam to accept the children of martyred soldiers and police officers between 1997 and 2007, and 78 such children were enrolled at the School during that period.


108 students who were survivors of the Bingöl earthquake were provided shelter at Darüşşafaka for a while. In memory of Sait Faik Abasıyanık, Darüşşafaka High School started organizing a story writing competition among high schools in Istanbul in 2006.

2004 - 2005

Maltepe and Şenesenevler Residence opened their doors for Darüşşafaka; Physical Rehabilitation and Rehab Center, and Maltepe Special Care Unit, for the donors.


In memory of Sait Faik Abasıyabık, Darüşşafaka Private High-Schools, created story and writing contests around Turkey, named ‘’Hişt, Hişt, Genç Sait Faik.’’


Fundamental changes took place regarding both the Society and the School administration:

As a result of several meetings held with the participation of the administrators of both the Society and School, teachers, representatives from among the students, the Parent-Teacher Association, and education experts, a 5-year strategic plan (2007-2012) was developed to guide the progress of the school.

Urla Residence started operating in İzmir.

Darüşşafaka Primary School initiated a column writing competition titled “Ahmet Rasim Is Alive” among the primary schools in Istanbul in order to honor the memory of journalist and writer Ahmet Rasim, who was both a graduate of and a teacher at Darüşşafaka.


A new testing system based on intelligence, skills, and creativity instead of knowledge was adopted to advance the implementation of the principle of “Equal Opportunity in Education” and ensure that talented children living in rural areas where opportunities are more limited compared to big cities can pass the Darüşşafaka Entrance Exam. Additionally, the number of provinces where the exam was conducted was increased.

The School started the “Darüşşafaka Seeks Its Parents” program, as well as annual donation campaigns within the Darüşşafaka family.

The project “81 Students from 81 Provinces” was initiated in cooperation with İşbank, and the first students enrolled within this scope began studying at Darüşşafaka.


Under the changing circumstances and in order to help inspire the next generation, societies leading opinion leaders, and their attendance, the High Consultative Committee was formed.


The social responsibility project  ‘’From Dreams to Reality’’that aims to build future leaders was founded, in collaboration with Procter & Gamble Turkey.


Published in the Official Gazette on 1 August 2010, Law No. 6009 enabled the use of the school campus for commercial purposes provided the educational activities are not disrupted.

A number of initiatives were taken in order to strengthen the principles of corporate governance.


The Darüşşafaka Schools Regulation was converted into two separate documents titled Ministry of National Education Private Darüşşafaka Primary School Regulation and Ministry of National Education Private Darüşşafaka High School Regulation, and these two were approved by the Board of Education and Discipline of the Ministry of National Education on 13 September 2011.

In memory of Nazima Antel, the first headmistress of Darüşşafaka, the School began presenting “Nazıma Antel Awards” to students who achieved success in the field of English in extracurricular activities.

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the acceptance of female students to Darüşşafaka, the “40th Anniversary of Daçka Girls” campaign was initiated by female Darüşşafaka alumni to collect TL 1,000,000, which is the total amount of 10-year educational expenses for 10 female students.


The purpose article of the Charter of the Society was amended at the extraordinary general assembly on 14 April attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the titular president of the Darüşşafaka Society. This amendment made it possible for children who have lost their mothers to be accepted to Darüşşafaka besides children with deceased fathers. The term “Turkish-Muslim children” in the relevant article was replaced with the “citizen of the Republic of Turkey” to adapt it to the spirit of the era. Moreover, a new article on the ideal qualifications of the youth that Darüşşafaka wants to raise was added to the Charter.

3rd grade students whose mothers have passed away sat the Darüşşafaka Entrance Exam for the first time along with those with deceased fathers.

The conference titled “Equality Opportunity in Accessing a Qualified International Education” was held.


Darüşşafaka celebrated its 150th anniversary.

Sait Faik Abasıyanık Museum was opened after being renovated.

The Darüşşafaka Society received 8.4 points out of 10 in the rating that is designed by Kobirate Uluslararası Kredi Derecelendirme ve Kurumsal Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş. in compliance with the Corporate Governance Principles of Capital Markets Board of Turkey and performed in accordance with the Methodology of Rating of Compliance of Non-governmental Organizations, which is approved by the same regulatory authority. Darüşşafaka became the first NGO in Turkey to document its transparency, accountability, and sustainability by having an independent corporate governance rating agency conduct such work.

In order to adapt to the education system known as 4+4+4, Darüşşafaka Schools canceled the primary school classes and started accepting 5th graders instead of 4th in the 2013/14 school year. Since Darüşşafaka Secondary School had 5th-grade classes already filled with students who were accepted the previous year as 4th graders, the number of new students to be accepted in that academic year was limited to 75.


  • The 2015-2020 strategic plan of Darüşşafaka was prepared.
  • Darüşşafaka Techno-Entrepreneurship Youth Center was opened.
  • The higher education scholarship program was initiated for university students who are not Darüşşafaka graduates.
  • Darüşşafaka increased its independent corporate governance rating score from 8.4 to 8.64.


  • The first steps were taken in accordance with the 2015-2020 strategic plan.
  • The focus was on receiving regular donations. A donation campaign was launched with the slogan “Not all expenses are essential, but education is”.
  • Darüşşafaka increased its independent corporate governance rating score from 8.64 to 9.08.
  • Darüşşafaka was granted the “special consultative status” by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • 130 students instead of 120 were accepted to Darüşşafaka Secondary School thanks to the donation by Halidun Tınaztepe, a Şenesenevler Residence Donor.
  • An independent research firm was commissioned to perform a Corporate Reputation Research for Darüşşafaka.


  • 122 students instead of 120 were accepted to Darüşşafaka Secondary School thanks to the donations by Halidun Tınaztepe, a Şenesenevler Residence Donor, and Güler Haşimoğlu, Yakacık Residence Donor.
  • Darüşşafaka increased its independent corporate governance rating score from 9.08 to 9.29.
  • The campaign with the slogan “Not all expenses are essential, but education is” won the Gold Effie Award in the “Civil Society Organizations” Category.


  • Darüşşafaka increased its independent corporate governance rating score from 9.29 to 9.43.
  • The project “81 Students from 81 Provinces”, which was implemented in cooperation between Türkiye İş Bankası (İşbank) and our Society on the date of 3 September 2008, entered its 10th year. In 2017, the first Darüşşafaka graduates within the scope of the project finished their studies at Darüşşafaka and started university. Having graduated a year earlier since they did not attend the prep class but directly started the high school, our students Hacı Ömer Güven, Aleyna Büyükgüçlü, Cem Numan Esin, Nehir Durmuşoğlu, Ömer Faik Borahan, and Semih Börklüce began their university education as the first scholarship holders of the “81 Students from 81 Provinces” project to graduate. Additionally, the public liked and applauded the documentary titled “Darüşşafakalıyız Biz” (We Are Darüşşafaka Students), which was commissioned by Türkiye İş Bankası to beIN İz TV.
  • Traditional mawlid recitations were organized in Ankara and İzmir in addition to İstanbul.
  • In 2017, Darüşşafaka Robotics Club won the “Chairman’s Award” which is the most prestigious award at the San Francisco Regional FIRST Robotics Competition in the USA, and thus attained a spot at the FRC World Championship held in Houston; the robotics club took home the “Team Spirit” award from the World Championship.
  • Having represented Turkey at the “Canada-Wide Science Fair” where the world’s bright young scientists competed, four students from the DŞMakers Club won two gold medals with their two projects titled “Mind-Controlled Smart Home” and “Remote Board Control with Gloves” that they developed for disabled individuals.


  • Darüşşafaka increased its independent corporate governance rating score from 9.43 to 9.50.  
  • Marking the 155th anniversary of the Darüşşafaka Society, the year 2018 saw many events.  The most important one of these was the Darüşşafaka Çatı Konuşmaları (Roof Talks) organized under the title of “Small Stories on Big Topics”. Nearly 1,000 participants from all corners of Turkey followed the all-day event held at the TİM Show Center on October 24.
  • World-famous pianist and composer Fazıl Say performed a recital at İş Sanat Cultural Center on April 6 for the 155th anniversary. 
  • Darüşşafaka Robotics Club “Sultans of Türkiye”, which holds a leading position in this field as the first high school robotics club in Turkey, won the “Chairman’s Award” which is the most prestigious award at the “FIRST Midwest Regional” robotics competition held by the FIRST Foundation in Chicago, USA on 4-7 April. 
  • Darüşşafaka Basketball Team lifted the EuroCup thropy.


  • Talha Çamaş (DŞ’69), who worked as the board director in Darüşşafaka for six years, handed his duties to Tayfun Öktem (DŞ’82).
  • Darüşşafaka, upgraded its independent institution management rating grades from 9,50 to 9,54.
  • A strategic plan was made for the 2020-2025 educational term.


Darüşşafaka: Robotics Club, joined the first Robotics Competition in the United States and, won the ‘’Engineering Inspiration Award,’’ as the first-ever Turkish team. Therefore, without any other eliminations, they won going to the grand finales in Houston, 2020, with the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


  • We started distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Darüşşafaka increased its independent corporate governance score to 9.66.
  • Darüşşafaka obtained ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certificate.
  • Darüşşafaka obtained ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System certificate.
  • Darüşşafaka Culture and History Commission was established.

Milestones In The History Of Darüşşafaka

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Ada Dijital Ajans