Social Sciences

Through the courses of social sciences, history of reforms of the Turkish Republic and Kemalism, and religion and ethics, the Social Sciences Department teachers raise individuals that know their history, care about nature and social problems, respect cultural differences, and recognize and protect national and universal values.

Our aim is to prepare for life the students that are loyal to Atatürk’s principles and reforms and equipped with modern, secular and democratic values. They will also know and recognize the society and world they live in, be able to look at the world from a broad perspective and have critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, they will know and exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities. They will become creative, entrepreneurial, productive, and open to new information and experiences, as well as possess 21st-century skills. They will prioritize ethics and aesthetics, use technology appropriately, and be able apply what they have learned to new situations.

The social sciences courses are taught in line with the general and specific learning goals of the MEB curriculum.
Web 2.0 tools that incorporate group work, interactive presentations, surveys, and assessment and evaluation are utilized in classes to both improve the students’ technology skills and ensure their active participation. Teachers prepare course materials by examining many different resources, aiming to urge students to question, think, and research what they learn in the class. Besides research projects linked with relevant learning outcomes, students’ development is also supported through assignments requiring them to investigate and create reports about the prominent figures in the history of Darüşşafaka.

In addition to academic trips that are organized in Istanbul and beyond within the framework of related learning outcomes, to enable students to learn by doing, to socialize, and develop academically and culturally, we take our students on virtual trips integrated into lessons. After each trip, students create products and reports.

Participation in competitions under the guidance of the teachers is encouraged.
Our students’ success is assessed via written exams, research reports, trip reports, homework, and projects based on the outcomes of the curriculum.

Ada Dijital Ajans